The intense sunlight wipes out the horizon. Sky and ground are melting together and only the stones and the mountains draw the contours of the landscape.
Wonder The white desert is fully dotted with white chalk rocks in all imaginable forms. At night the moon and the countless stars ghostly illuminates the landscape. The dog in the white desert oversees his own constellation, Canis Major.
Mirage A mirage is not a hallucination but an optic phenomenon caused by light refraction in certain layers of air. Complete mountains can be seen floating, non-inverted or upside down, mirrored in nonexistent waters.
Artefacts You could say that in the desert the time stands still. What is left stays. Because of the dry climate everything dries and gets mummified. Rock paintings and neolithic tools stays together with petrol cans and dropped behind WW II vehicles.
Wonderment The Uwaynat mountain and the large plateau of Gilf Kebir in the southwest corner of Egypt holds lots of neolithic rock engravings and paintings depicting people, animals, cattle and mythological beings.
The desert wanderer
It is far... Every year the swifts are travelling the long way between South Africa and Scandinavia. Not all of them will reach their destination.
Encounter with the Great... When You contemplate the Great Sand Sea You feel very tiny.
The Great Sand Sea 1
The Great Sand Sea 2
The Great Sand Sea 3
The Great Sand Sea 4
Alexander´s guides Alexander the Great was met up by two crows who showed him the right way when he was lost on his way to the oasis of Siwa in 331 b.c. - The crows met up with us too...
The intense sunlight wipes out the horizon. Sky and ground are melting together and only the stones and the mountains draw the contours of the landscape.